

Mexican Pumpkin Soup

Deliciously spicy, vegan pumpkin soup

Since finishing my cleanse with the Clean Program about six weeks ago, I have gone slightly off the rails. As I sit here sipping a fabulous glass of Cabernet Sauvignon and pondering life post-cleanse, I realize that I'm quite content. The cleanse has made me more aware of the food I put in my body. It has given me more of an appreciation for the food I cut out and has made me realize how much I adore my beloved Italian heritage.

Wine. Chocolate. Tomatoes.

My top three. All equally amazing and delicious. All forbidden on the Clean Program. All happily a part of my diet again.

The premise of the Clean Program is to nurture the healthy bacteria in your gut. It promotes detoxification, a healthy and balance lifestyle, and has you eliminate the foods that are common allergens. Most importantly, it works. For someone who suffered from stomach pains for years, even after cutting gluten and dairy out of my diet, going through Clean seems to have cured me. I no longer have pains when I eat. It's a miracle. My belly is thrilled.

When the three week cleanse was complete, I was hoping that I could live on the Elimination Diet for an extended period of time, but it just wasn't working. Not that I didn't have the willpower, it just felt limiting and I enjoy the 'bad' foods too much. I try my best to eat clean, make substitutions to make things more healthy and will continue (forever) to not eat gluten or dairy. I love being gluten-free and dairy-free, it's become a part of who I am.

Being on the clean program means embracing the world of soup. Blended, smooth, creamy soups. With two liquid meals a day, you have to be creative to keep your taste buds engaged and interested. Experimenting with soups was one of my favorite parts of the program. My vegan white bean and mushroom soup, delicious. My dairy-free broccoli, spinach and kale soup, healthy and yummy. Soups are fun and easy to make. They fill you up and are perfect for the long winter months ahead.

Soup with pumpkin and other Mexican flavors, easily made Clean.

Onions, black beans, cumin and chipotle chilis. Classic Mexican.

A hearty and healthy soup to warm your soul and clear your seasonal cold. 

Mexican Pumpkin Soup with Brown Rice Tortilla Chips

I have made a few soups post-cleanse, none blog worthy, but all pretty enjoyable. This recipe was a must try when I stumbled upon it on Pinterest. Of course, anything from the Gluten-free Goddess is always amazing, but this soup looked extra tasty because of the interesting ingredient combination. Mexican spices, black beans and pumpkin? Please, tell me more.

This soup is a revelation. It's hearty, but healthy; sweet, but spicy. The flavors explode in your mouth with each bite. Pumpkin is the secret ingredient that makes this soup stand out. It adds a fabulous consistency, just a hint of sweet and adds the pop of color that many soups miss. Not to mention that this soup is incredibly low-maintenance and ready in less then half an hour, you can't go wrong. An easy weeknight meal and oh so scrumptious.

  • 1/2 medium red onion, chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • 1 tsp chipotle chili powder (it's spicy, so adjust for your taste buds, I like spice)
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder (the non spicy kind)
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minsed
  • 4 medium potatoes, diced
  • 1 15oz can organic black beans
  • 1 15oz can organic pumpkin puree
  • 3 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 cup filtered water
  • Drizzle of raw honey
  • Dash of hot sauce (brand of your choice)

In a medium sized sauce pan, heat the olive oil on medium heat. Add your onions and spices and sauté until the onions begin to soften. Add your garlic and potatoes and saute for 1 - 2 minutes.

Add the rest of your ingredients and bring the soup to a high simmer. Turn it down to a low and simmer for about 20 minutes, until the potatoes are tender.

While the soup is cooking, prepare you tortilla chips.

Clean 'tortilla' chips. Spiced Brown Rice Chips.

A special treat for those who miss their beloved Corn Tortilla Chips.
Just use brown rice tortillas instead!

Brown Rice Tortilla Chips

These chips are healthy, easy to make, gluten-free and Clean. I think I may be a brown rice tortilla chip convert!

  • 3 brown rice tortilla (these are the only Clean brand I've found)
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (more if you like your chips salty)

First prepare your tortillas by chopping them into triangles. In a medium saute pan, heat the olive oil on medium high until it's very hot. Add your tortilla triangles and toss the coat in the olive oil. Add you salt and paprika and saute until they are nice and crispy.

Transfer the chips to a paper towel covered plate and let them cool. The chips will crisp up even more when they come off the heat.

Check the soup and if your potatoes are done, you're ready to eat. Serve the soup immediately with a drizzle of raw honey and hot sauce.

Serves 4


  1. Thanks for sharing this yummy looking recipe! Your other soups look delicious too :)

    Congrats on getting through the full 21 days! Post-cleanse is exactly that, post-cleanse. You aren't supposed to restrict your diet so much anymore, but instead make well informed decisions about what you eat, based on how different foods affect you. Your decision to stay away for gluten and dairy is huge! I know that will continue to help you stay feeling good.

    Eating the "bad" things is OK too sometimes. And if you ever feel like you have passed the limit, you can always cleanse for a few days or a weekend to get back on track.

    It sounds like you are right where you are supposed to be though. I am glad you enjoyed your cleansing experience :) Keep the recipes coming!

    And please let me know if I can help with anything.

    Cheers, Meghan
    Clean Community Ambassador

  2. Hi Meghan,

    Thanks so much for the encouraging words! The cleanse was such a powerful thing for me and it felt so invigorating getting through the 21 days. I was so proud of myself :)

    I definitely have decided to be a bit more careful with the foods on the "no" list, and slowly introduce them, really letting my body tell me if they work for me. Hopefully I will be able to determine which foods to avoid and which ones are actually okay with my body.

    I will continue to share my recipes, even those that are no Clean! Thank you for checking out my site and for the continued support of the Clean community. It's amazing!

    Happy Monday, Alyssa
