

Curried Cauliflower & Squash Soup with Quinoa Flatbread

A seriously delicious indian inspired soup.

I am so excited about this recipe. This is my favorite soup yet. It may have been the amazing sweet curry flavors or the soft, fluffy gluten-free flatbread, but either way this meal was fabulous.

A light, creamy, incredibly flavorful soup, with the rich color of curry. One bite and I was hooked. I felt like I was transported to India (although I've never been, I'm just in love with their cuisine), comforted with this steaming bowl of delicious soup in front of me.

With my love of indian food, I have missed naan the most.  The restaurant by my house that we order takeout from occasionally, has the most amazing naan.  It's fluffy, slightly browned, and truly perfect. Alas, it's packed with gluten.

Curried Garlic Quinoa Flatbread 

This post is as much about the soup as it is about the flatbread. I have been determined for quite some time to find a recipe that I liked for quinoa flatbread. I've made a quinoa pizza crust, a quinoa quiche crust, I've tried my hand at socca (here's a great recipe for a yummy socca pizza), and nothing has been just what I was looking for.

I wanted a thin, soft, and light flatbread that was strong enough to dip in soup, but would melt in your mouth with each bite. Much like naan does, topped with a glorious lentil dahl.

A flatbread fit for dipping.

I have finally found one. The perfect Quinoa flatbread. It is so versatile, it could be mixed with anything. If you're having Italian, make a basil flatbread. Hungry for something sweet, make a cinnamon-sugar flatbread. And if you're jonesing for some Indian soup, make a curry and garlic flatbread.

Garlic & Curry Quinoa Flatbread

I give full credit to Emilia from A Gluten-Free Day for this amazing recipe. She posted this Poppyseed Gluten-Free Flatbread made from quinoa flour, water and pysllium husk, and I just had to try it. I was so confident I had finally found the recipe I'd been searching for, I doubled it.

  • 2 cups quinoa flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons pysllium husk
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon dried garlic powder
  • 1 1/2 cup water

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, psyllium husk, curry and garlic powders. Slowly add the water and mix until you have a creamy batter. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 5 minutes.

Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and prepare your dough. With wet hands, scoop a handful of dough out of the bowl, form it into a ball and press it down on the baking sheet until your desired thinness. I had about 8 little round flatbreads.

Repeat with the rest of the dough. Place the sheets in the center of the oven on separate racks and bake for 20 minutes, switching the sheets half way through.

When they're browned on the top, pull them out and let them cool on a wire rack.

And now for the soup that I threw together to accompany my flatbreads.

Curried Cauliflower & Squash Soup

This recipe wasn't planned, I just used what I had on hand and tossed it into a pot. It's an amazingly simple, but totally unique, combination of ingredients, and makes this soup incredibly flavorful and subtly sweet.

  • 1 acorn squash, halved with the seeds removed
  • 1 head of yellow cauliflower, chopped into florets
  • 1 medium white onion, chopped
  • 1 medium carrot, peeled and chopped
  • 1 parsnip, peeled  and chopped
  • 1 cup vegetable broth (I use Imagine's No-Chicken Broth)
  • 3 cups filtered water
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

In a shallow baking dish, add 1/4 inch of water and place the two squash halved face down. Place in the center of the oven for 20 - 30 minutes.

While the squash is cooking, toss the cauliflower with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon curry powder and mustard seeds. Add salt and pepper to taste. Place on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes, turning halfway through.

On the stovetop, heat the remaining tablespoon of oil in a large sauce pan and sauté the onions, carrots and parsnips together until the onions are translucent and the carrots have begun to soften. Add the cauliflower when it is done roasting, and sauté for another few minutes.

When the squash is done, scoop the flesh out of the skins and add it to the pot. Add the vegetable broth, water, coconut milk, salt, pepper and the remainder of your spices (add more of any if you'd like) and bring the soup to a boil. Turn it down to medium-low and let it simmer for another 10 - 15 minutes.

Take the soup off the heat and with an immersion blender, or in a food processor, puree it until it's smooth and creamy.

Serve piping hot with a side of flatbreads (totally perfect for dipping!). Garnish with a touch of coconut milk if you so choose. Enjoy and stay warm!

Serves 4 large bowls.


  1. this quinoa flatbread looks fantastic! paired with curry? yummy! you have awesome recipes on here! i have one too:

  2. Hi Junia - love your blog! I'm very intrigued about your flatbread - the whole grains look delicious! Last night I made this again, but made the dough plain, brushed the uncooked flatbreads with olive oil, sprinkled with chili powder and coarse sea salt...paired with black bean soup. Yummy!!! I'll be trying yours next time! :)

  3. i dont know what i like more.. the soup or the flatbread! i think i love the creamy cauliflower with acorn!

  4. The soup was seriously delicious, but the flatbreads were definitely my favorite part of the meal. I used them again with my last night's dinner as a sandwich bread for pesto chicken. They were perfect! Hope you enjoy :)

  5. can't wait to try this flatbread. Do you have any suggestions on what I can use in place of the psyllium husk? I don;t have any on hand right now and I really want to try making this flatbread tomorrow.

    really love your recipes.

  6. So happy you found my recipe! Quinoa flour is amazing - it packs all the protein and flavor that the grain does, but you can use it in so many different wants! To sub the psyllium husk, I would try flaxseed meal. The psyllium is really just used to help bind the bread (so you could try a gum - but if cleansing I would avoid them). You could also try chia meal or straight chia seeds (maybe add a touch more water) and see if that works out. Let me know how it goes - the fresh basil you posted on the Clean site sound divine!

  7. Found your website through Tasty Kitchen! It is very pretty... Your recipes are very interesting too. :)

  8. Thank you Margarita! I'm glad you found my site! xo Alyssa

  9. Thanks so much for this awesome flatbread recipe! I made it the other day and just blogged about it!!
    Love your blog! :-)

  10. Glad you found the recipe! It's just so great isn't it? I made it the other night as a pizza crust and it was awesome! I definitely recommend playing with the flavors - there's so much you can do!

    Thanks for sharing the recipe - it looks great! xo Alyssa

  11. Hi ALyssa,

    Just checking-- you're going to be my go-to-girl (Queen?) for the Clean program.

    This meal is clean, yes? I skimmed the ingredients and I think it just might be!

    You are SO TALENTED. I can't wait to try this as part of my 21 Day Cleanse!

    1. This is in fact Clean! This is by far my favorite soup that I made and the quinoa flatbreads are also clean, so perfect for a lunch (perhaps a pizza or wrap?)!

      I recently just added a new category that tags all my Clean posts. I have some treats, snacks, lunch, soups and smoothie ideas on there.

      Check them all out here:

      Hope you find something you like! Let me know how it goes. I would love to hear your progress along you 21 day journey :)

      xo Alyssa

  12. Hi Alyssa,

    I checked out the link: so excited! :) My only issue is that I don't know which recipe to try first.

    I am keeping a blog about my cleanse--

    I mention you in my first blog post (raving about your soup, of course) and in the standing page-- because reading your blog inspired me to go on the cleanse! So thank you so much for your wonderful writing and passion for life. AND your creativity!

    I saw you even have some desserts on there-- and I too love SNACKS! So I'm pumped to make my own crackers.

    Thanks again!


    1. Hi Sophie,

      So happy I can help. It's funny, the cleanse seems so limiting when you think about it, but when you actually start cooking Clean recipes, it's amazing how many recipes you can make. And they're all so yummy too!

      I will definitely check out your blog as you're going through the next 21 days! It's such a great way to document your journey. I'm excited for you :)

      Thank you for all your kind words. I'm happy that my recipes inspire you. I feel so grateful!

      Please continue to let me know how it goes!

      xo Alyssa

  13. Hi Alyssa,

    So I went to Whole Foods to buy Psyllium husk to try your fabulous recipe for quinoa flatbread. I looked in the baking section because I didn't know what psyllium husk was, exactly, and since it was in a baking recipe, I could find it. Anyway, I finally asked someone and the young woman who showed me where it was (in the supplement section under fiber supplements) asked "Are you looking for it for gluten-free baking?" I was like, "Yes!"

    Anyway, I went home and today, as I was getting a piece of salmon ready to saute in coconut oil, I thought, as I sprinkled truffle salt on to its moist, pinky flesh, "Wouldn't it be great if I could put some bread crumbs on this?"

    Anyway, I thought of the psyllium husk I had bought and that comment about gluten free baking.

    So I started the salmon cooking, skin side on the bottom, pink flesh on the top, and then I opened up my jar of psyllium husk-- it looked like super fine bread crumbs! So I sprinkled some on top and then, when the bottom started to turn white, I flipped it over and browned the other side (with the husk on it.)

    It was delicious! It tasted like panko crumbs, except I knew it was healthy!

    I was going to post on my blog about it, but then I thought about what they say in the directions-- that taking the product without enough liquid could cause choking.

    Do you think that if I posted about coating salmon with the husk and then cooking it it might be dangerous?

    I know you're not a doctor or anything, so don't worry-- I won't hold you to an answer or sue you or anything.

    I more wanted to know if this was something that was a discussion in the gluten-free community? As people are using psyllium in baking and cooking, are there certain precautions one should take?

    THANK YOU so much! Your food writing is changing my life!

    1. Hi Sophie,

      How is the cleanse going? You must be almost done by now! I hope you've found some great recipes and are enjoying the new way of life. It definitely changed the way I looked at eating by the time I was done.

      Hopefully you made it work with the psyllium husks. I've been using them in baking instead of xanthan gum (which is corn based) in all my baked goods and I love them! Have you tried any other recipes using them?

      Let me know how everything is going!

      xo Alyssa

  14. Wow!! Found your website through the Clean Community Blog! I've never tried Psyllium husk so I'm totally psyched to try this. Thanks for the awesome share! p.s. sweet blog :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jasmine! I absolutely love psyllium husks - I use them in gluten-free baked goods instead of xanthan gum (which is corn based) and they're wonderful. Let me know how they turn out for you or if you use them in any other recipes!

      xo Alyssa
